Friday, March 30, 2012

VBTC Tour - Guest Interview & Giveaway: Ungolden Silence by Lydia E. Brew

Today I'm pleased to introduce you to Lydia E. Brew. We are doing it a bit differently today, and Lydia is being interviewed by Lydia, welcome to Mass Musings!

I am going to interview author Lydia E. Brew - I am Lydia

Lydia: Who is your favorite author?

Miss Brew:  A friend, ReShonda Tate Billingsley.

Lydia: What is your favorite movie?

Miss Brew:  Well, actually two come to mind.  The first is Selena with Jennifer Lopez, I thought that she captured Selena in a good way. Secondly, In the movie on the Temptations,  the actors were excellent and you could not tell that the actors were just mouthing the words of the songs. The song, My Girl, is my all time favorite song.

Lydia: What is your preferred drink?

Miss Brew: That's an easy one, Cherry Pepsi.

Lydia: I heard that. That's is mine too. Okay, now tell about your favor activity.

Miss Brew: Writing, this is a form of entertaining. Lucy Ricardo was always trying to get into Ricky's shows because she loved to entertain.

Lydia:  I never thought of that.  I Love Lucy, I love that show too.

Miss Brew: But I feel for Lucille Ball though-

Lydia: Why?

Miss Brew: Because she wanted to be an actress, not just a comedy actress. She wanted to do drama. Look at Michael Landon –

Lydia: Little Joe.

Miss Brew: Yes, but he was also Pa on "Little House on the Prairie" and he did another one, "Little Joe" .  Another good example of not letting the actor or actress go to other roles is Michael Learned.

Lydia: Ma Walton.

Miss Brew: Yes, The Waltons was one of my favorite shows. Okay, now she was
substituting for Jean Cooper on The Young and the Restless. She did an excellent job. But guess what?

Lydia: Even thought she was Mrs. Chancellor, she was still Ma Walton and that is not fair to her.

Miss Brew: Now the same and be said about authors. Do not make them write just for one genre. So writing is my favorite activity.

Lydia: Okay Miss Brew, which actress do you see playing one of the main characters in Ungolden Silence?

Miss Brew: Debbi Morgan

Lydia: Yes, she is another actress that has a character that she is identified by.

Miss Brew: Angie on All My Children, now she is Harmony on The Young and the Restless. I have watched her since she did a guest appearance on Good Times and Trapper John, M.D. So I knew her before she was "Angie.” Lucille Ball, Michael Landon, and Learned and Debbi Morgan are entertainers and they love it. If there was a movie based on Ungolden Silence and Debbi Morgan would be my dream and I would be delighted to see Michael Learned in the movie too.

Lydia: Two more things: what is your favorite food and are you and early bird or late owl.

Miss Brew: I am a night owl and I love cheese with ground beef.

Lydia: What one thing will surprise readers about you?

Miss Brew: I have Cerebral Palsy and I firmly believe the God made me this way for a reason. I have never dated so how did I write a story like Ungolden Silence. Well one of producers of The Color Purple was asked how he could do the movie, he said that he did E.T.  So we don't have to date to know what is right and not right in a relationship. A writer can observe things and write about them.

Wonderful interview. Thank you so much for sharing these fun facts. 

Lydia E. Brew was born with cerebral palsy but has not allowed her physical limitations to stand in her way. Her writing also provides insights into the world of the physically challenged. She graduated from Texas Southern University where she received The Society of Professional Journalist Sigma Chi Citation for Achievement. She was a member of the drama club and pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Under the leadership of one of her journalism professors, Miss Brew penned her first book 
Edith, The Story of Edith Irby Jones, M.D. about the first African-American to graduate from The Arkansas School of Medicine. Upon finishing college, Miss Brew worked with the Houston Association of Black Journalists. She is a Christian and attends St. Timothy’s United Methodist Church.
Miss Brew founded Lydia’s Educational and Charitable Organization (LECO) when she decided to encourage young people to write. LECO did this by sponsoring a yearly contest in which the contestant had to write about positive role models who were alive and from the Houston area. Each student who wrote an eligible essay was given a certificate of participation. Winning writers received cash prizes.
Her second book Our Learn Together Book is based on the biography of Dr. Jones. It tells her story in a simplified format on one page and allows the child to writes his biography on the other. There are activities in the back where children can learn developmental skills and older children can learn to do research.

Ungolden Silence will explore the world of rape and expose the myths through articles that are based on facts. The main question that needs to be answered is why one human being would rape another human being. These reasons are explored in a compelling story that will make the reader ask questions. Beatrice James wanted to take her co-worker Elaine on her first professional trip, she had to convince her employers and Elaine’s parents that she wanted to take Elaine on the trip. Elaine was in charge of the campaign.
Thomas Paige is a well-respected community leader, however, there is whole other side of side of him. The man can be charming when he needs to be and that is why he can get away with sexually harassing and raping women. He began to harassed Beatrice did not want Elaine to have to deal with it. Beatrice did not want to deal with the fact that she was being sexually harassed.
When any crime takes place, the families of the victims as well as the criminal are involved. Ungolden Silence will illustrate that the criminal is a real person, and rarely does he commit crimes just for the fun of it.
It is important to know that rape is a part of violence. Through the characters of Ungolden Silence it is hoped that society will begin to find a way to eliminate the acceptance of violence, which includes the act of rape.
It is through Beatrice, Elaine, and their colleagues that Ungolden Silencebegins to explore the world of rape. Each of the main characters discovers what he has believed about rape and violence is not entirely true. A good example of this is when the firm’s secretary is told what happened on the trip. She discovered that some things that she was told when she was young was a myth.
Through all of the characters, Ungolden Silence offers an alternative to the everyday acceptance of violence. When it comes to rape, it tells us that the rapists are human beings and there is a way to curb the crime.
What does the author wants the reader to take away is that the story is about a woman was rape while she and her business partner was away on a business trip. Her business partner is disabled but that is an important part of the story. However, it is not the main story.

Let me set this up. Beatrice and Elaine are out of town on business. Beatrice and Elaine are at the home of their client, Mrs. Stevens and a community leader, Mr. Paige comes in. Mrs. Stevens take Elaine to see something.

As the four talked for an hour or so, Mr. Thomas Page did not take his eyes off Beatrice. He ignored Elaine completely. He would often sit by Beatrice and after a few minutes; she would move. Elaine could see that Mr. Paige liked Beatrice, but she didn’t return the feeling and was uncomfortable and a bit irritated with his attention. When Mrs. Stevens offered to show Elaine the baby grand piano in her music room, Mr. Paige and Beatrice were left alone. Beatrice decided she needed to get a few things straight.
“Look, you seem to be a nice guy, but I’m not interested.
You’re making me very uncomfortable,” Beatrice added. Mr. Paige did not seem to hear her.
“Alone at last, Miss James,” he said in a soft gentle voice as he stroked her face.
The second that Beatrice felt his fingers on her face, her anger turned to fear. She did not want to let Mr. Paige know that he frightened her.
“I did not give you permission to touch me! Listen, I’m not interested in you, in any way. Please, just leave me alone!” Beatrice said angrily. The pleasantness was gone and her teeth were clenched. However, before she finishes her statement Mr. Paige had his hands on her buttocks. In that instance Beatrice remembers when she was sixteen. It was a hot summer day: she was lying on the sofa half asleep. She awakens to her uncle kissing and caressing her face. He did not stop there he unzipped his pants and began to slide his hand and was pulling down her panties when Judy came into the room. Beatrice’s mind came to the present.
“Oh now, I think that we can have a good time this week,” he said in the same manner as before.
“I said no! Now get your hands off me!” Beatrice snatched her body away from his reach knocking his shades off. The man’s breath had a faint odor of alcohol. His eyes were glassy red. However, Beatrice did not take notice because she was so shocked from the memory of what her uncle did to her and the fact that this man was making a move on her was overwhelming. Mr. Paige returned to his seat and put his shades back on his face only because he heard Mrs. Stevens and Elaine returning.
When Elaine walked in and sat down, she picked up on some strange vibes from Beatrice. There was a strange look in her colleague’s eyes. This troubled Elaine because she knew something was upsetting Beatrice.
This man had just made unwanted sexual advances to Beatrice and she tells Elaine and Mrs. Stevens that she had a headache?

Lydia is also giving away 2 ebooks per week, for a chance to win leave a comment with your email address, you can also follow her tour HERE for even more chances.


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