Genre: Woman's Fiction
Published: Xilbris Publishing
Released: December 13, 2007
Buy At: Amazon
Ungolden Silence will explore the world of rape and expose the myths through articles that are based on facts. The main question that needs to be answered is...
Book Genre: Nonfiction (political)
Publisher: Finlee Augare Books
Release Date: July 1, 2016
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Book Description:
The book candidates don’t want us to see.
“A must-read...
MM: Many authors
relate their characters to people they know. Is this the case with
your characters and do you see yourself in any of them?
Deep down Kate Brown is
a very strong-headed women, I’d say she is a character I can relate
to, due to her...
Book Genre: Fiction, Humor
Publisher: Magenta
Release Date: April 1, 2016
Buy Link(s):
Amazon | BN | Kobo | Smashwords | Indigo | iTunes
Book Description:
You ever have a neighbour whose behaviour is so mind-bogglingly...
Book Genre: Charity Anthology, Veterans
Publisher: Indie
Release Date: March 9, 2015
Buy Link(s): Amazon
Book Description:
poems and stories included in this anthology, written by various
authors, tell of veterans outside of war, of how their...
Author Bio:
Sharon Hollander is an author, entrepreneur, and a healthcare
consultant in the area of practice managementfor over 30 years.
She is a leading expert in the area of physician billing and
reimbursement. Currently the President of STAT...