Our guest today is Katie Salidas. Please give her a warm welcome. She is the author of Immortalis Carpe Noctem, and today we will discuss Katie as a writer. Thank you for stopping in today Katie.
Please tell us a little about yourself....
I'm a dreamer. I love to sit and think up stories. I can often be found staring at my computer screen waiting for the muse to strike. When it does, watch out. Thankfully, I have a wonderful and loving family that lets me indulge my need to write. Both my husband and my wonderful daughter know about “Mommy's writing time.” They are super supportive.
Is your family supportive in your writing?
Oh yes, my husband is my biggest fan and promoter. He's also my hardest beta reader. He's not afraid to tell me when a scene just plain sucks; then again, he's also there to tell me how great they are too. And like any good husband, he's my rock when I'm feeling particularly blue. My daughter thinks her mom is just great! She can't really read my stories (and a good thing too as they are a bit mature for her) but she will tell anyone and everyone that her mommy is an author. I've also got a set of extremely supportive parents. When Immortalis was first printed, my Dad bought 20 copies and sent them off to every member of the family.
Do you recall how your interest in writing started?
It started with a story idea that just wouldn't quit. I'd started writing Immortalis 5 years before it was published. After running into many plot road blocks, I shelved the story and tried to move on. But the story just wouldn't let me put it to rest. It demanded to be t
old and after multiple revisions I found I loved not just the story, but the process. Since then I have been writing constantly.
How long have you been writing?
I've written things down in some form since I was a little girl, but the real, focused writing started around 5 years ago.
What inspires you to write?
I'm inspired by the things I see. Not so much the exact stories, but the questions behind them. For Immortalis, I wanted to answer questions about vampires. Why can't they go out in the sun? Do they have beating hearts? Are they really the walking dead or something else? What are their origins? What would it be like to be a vampire? The answers to the questions really help the story unfold.
Do you ever suffer from writers block? What do you do about it?
Sadly, all the time. Sometimes I just can't write, the muse won't speak. When that happens I try to do something else writing involved. I revise work I've had sitting on the back burner. I read (reading provides inspiration), I work more heavily in the critiquing group (critiquing helps sharpen our writing skills) or sometimes I just sit and stare at the computer screen until something strikes!
What, in your opinion, are the most important elements for writing?
A good muse and a quiet place to hear her. LoL. There is so much that goes into writing it is hard to pinpoint one or even two things to say are most important. You need a good story in your head, and the drive, and not to mention the time to write it. Beyond that you need patients and skills too. Like I said, so much is involved.
What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing?
Seeing my story in print is akin to childbirth, it's a beautiful thing to see years of hard work finally turn into something you can hold in your hands. It is a dream come true.
Any recent appearances that you would like to share with us about any upcoming events?
I am actively promoting this new release, touring the blogosphere. Stop by www.RisingSignBooks.com to see all of my upcoming appearances.
You will find all of Katie's dates for her virtual book tours on her site. Leave a comment for Katie and you may be the winner to receive a copy of her book, Immortalis Carpe Noctem!
Katie, it has been a pleasure chatting with you. I hope you will stop in again when your next book is released. I wish you much success!
Great interview guys!
BK, thank you for having me here today!
You are very welcome Katie it was a pleasure having you here :).
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