Monday, September 23, 2013

Waiting For Dad:A Yoga Story For Kids by Lakshmi Gosyne (Book Tour & Giveaway)

About The Author:

Lakshmi Gosyne is an author, illustrator and designer. She worked with John Wiley and Sons, Canada as a graphic designer before working full-time with children and getting her Master's Degree in Education.

Her 15 years of experience with children and teaching as well as her love for yoga converged into two Yoga for Kids books: A Jungle Walk and Waiting for Dad.

In fact, Jungle Walk was originally a yoga workshop for children in Child Care Centers.

Lakshmi is an avid traveler and has lived in Trinidad and Tobago, Toronto, Canada, New Zealand and Thailand. She currently lives in Koh Samui, Thailand with her husband Jonathan.

Genre: Children's Picture Book with Yoga Poses
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Release Date: December 12, 2012

Book Description:

Rob is the last child to be picked up by his father from school! He starts to imagine what his dad might be up to.
Maybe he’s in a jungle? With pirates? In outer space?
This book uses fun yoga routine that energizes your child. Imagining pirates, tigers and aliens can make things exciting for children especially when they can roar or call out “Ahoy matey!”

This book uses traditional yoga poses in a flowing and fun sequence. Children will increase their body awareness, strength and fitness and most of all, have fun.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Book Review: In Times of Trouble by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

In Times of Trouble
by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

About The Author:

Yolonda Tonette Sanders took a leap of faith in 2004 when she resigned from her job with the State of Ohio after only three and a half years to focus more on writing. It was a leap that she has never regretted. In 2005, her debut novel, Soul Matters, was published by Walk Worthy Press and Time Warner (now Hachette Book Group). In 2008, her second book, Secrets of a Sinner, was published by Harlequin/Kimani Press. That same year Yolonda started Yo Productions, LLC, a Christian based literary services and theatrical entertainment company, which she used to launch and create her first stage production. The theatrical version of Soul Matters debuted successfully in September 2009 at the Capitol Theatre in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Since then, Strebor Books, an imprint of Simon and Schuster, is planning to release four of Yolonda’s titles by April 2015. Currently, Yolonda resides in Columbus, Ohio and is the loving wife of David, proud mother of Tre and Tia, and joyful caregiver of her mother, Wilene.

Genre: Christian | Contemporary | Inspirational
Publisher: Simon and Schuster/Strebor Books
Release Date: April 23, 2013

Book Description:

Divorced, single mother Lisa Hampton is grateful for a fresh start after a humiliating scandal forced her to relocate from Maryland to Ohio. Her biggest issue nowadays is dealing with her rebellious teenage daughter, Chanelle, who is one smart comment away from being toothless!

Other than the stress of dealing with Chanelle, life is perfect. Lisa has a new beau and a steady job that allows her the opportunity to rub shoulders with very wealthy and influential people. She is best friends with Isaac and Olivia Scott, an extremely rich and powerful couple.

When Chanelle accuses the Scotts’ son of rape, Lisa learns how quickly her friends become enemies as Olivia and Isaac use their wealth and power to manipulate justice. The Scotts prove that they are willing to go to extreme lengths to protect their son, even if it means destroying both Lisa and Chanelle in the process.


Hearing the sound of her mother's footsteps descending the hardwood stairs, Lisa leaned back on the sofa so as not to appear overly anxious.
"Chanelle still hasn’t made it home?” Her mother’s wire-framed glasses rested at the tip of her nose while a large green robe concealed her body.
  "Nope. . ."
  "Did you call Jareeka’s?”
Yes; her father said that she and her mother are away for the weekend.” She felt herself tensing with every word.
What about RJ? Have you called him?”
He hasn’t seen her either.”
Well, don’t come down too hard on her. Maybe she didn't know Jareeka was out of town and when she found out, she decided to hang with one of her other friends instead. Now she should’ve at least called and told you, but she was probably so happy to get out the house that she forgot. Poor thing; it seems like she’s always on punishment. Sometimes I think you’re too hard on that girl. I don't want to meddle—"
  "Then please don't," the thirty-eight-year-old interjected in the most respectful tone that she could conjure up with a clenched jaw.
"All right. I'll keep my opinion to myself, but I was merely going to say that you may want to consider extending Chanelle's curfew. She’s practically an adult and it’s time you start treating her like one. Maybe then you’d be less likely to run into this problem."
 An electrifying jolt shot through Lisa’s body. The way she disciplined Chanelle had become a constant point of contention between her and her mother. Thank goodness Hattie would soon be moving into her own apartment! Lisa could not wait!
That makes absolutely no sense!” she fired back. “What she is, is irresponsible. Why should I reward her for not being able to honor her curfew? And anyhow, she wouldn’t have been on punishment recently had she not been so smart at the mouth.”
I wonder where she got it from . . .” her mother replied cynically, quickly disappearing into the kitchen and returning moments later. “Good night."
  "The same to you,” Lisa replied, continuing to stew as the clock read 1:21 a.m. The only other noise she heard was the emptying of the automatic ice machine until ten minutes or so later when a car pulled into the driveway. Lisa’s heart began racing when she saw flashing blue and red lights from the window. It wasn’t her car as she had thought, but a police cruiser. A gut-wrenching fear fell over her. Had something horrible happened to Chanelle? She felt guilty about being so angry and the missed curfew was now a minor issue compared to the concern that her baby might be lying in the hospital somewhere. Lisa was horrified by the unlimited possibilities of things that could’ve happened to her daughter. The pit of her stomach knotted as she sprang from the couch and raced to the front door.

My Thoughts:

Do you like roller coasters?

In Times of Trouble is one big roller coaster ride of emotions! It’s also so much more than I was anticipating, and had timed allowed for me to read this in one sitting, I surely would have!
Sanders did a FANTASTIC job with this story. It’s very well written, the characters are easily, easily relatable, and you can’t help but feel something for each of them. As a mother, I felt for Lisa, remembering my teen years, I felt for Chanelle. RJ really changed his ways and proved himself to his family and Eric? Well, now he’s someone that really should see a therapist!
Mama, just loved her! She reminded me of myself at times, trying to tell my own kids right from wrong from lessons learned. I could easily see where she was coming from, but also agreed with Lisa on many aspects too.
With all this said, I completely enjoyed this story and was drawn right in from the very beginning. It has the perfect amount of tension, action and twists & turns, you will find yourself feeling every minute. You will laugh, be angry, talk out loud and even cry. This book will pull out every emotion.  The ending  for sure will have you in tears, it’s inevitable!
When a book moves you to tears, you know it’s a GREAT book!

I highly recommend Yolonda Tonette Sanders as a writer, and fabulous storyteller and I’m definitely going to be checking out her other books as I thoroughly enjoy her work.

Monday, September 9, 2013

BioDesign by Lowell Harrison Young (Book Tour Spotlight & Giveaway)

Lowell Young and his wife Christie have lived in California’s Napa Valley for over 40 years. Mr. Young taught high school biology for nearly 40 years before he retired. The class that evolved into Biodesign was a creative, collaborative project where the roles of teacher and student were often reversed. It was well known by the students that although Mr. Young represented the physical nature of the class, Christie’s silent spiritual guidance was often felt in their classroom circles, as well as along the many miles of trails they walked. The Biodesign class may be the only one of its kind taught in a public high school in the country.

Genre: Nature/Ecology
Publisher: Outskirts Press

Book Description:

Going for a walk should be fun. So should studying biology, after all, without it we wouldn't be alive to experience the rapture, sorrow and mystery of the universe. Biodesign Out For A Walk, is a story of how spirit-sensitive students reprogrammed a left-brained biology teacher and took him on a 24-year odyssey. Following the footsteps of John Muir, they slept on the top of Yosemite's famous Half Dome. They followed Loren Eiseley and John Wesley Powell to the bottom of Grand Canyon. Ed Ricketts and John Steinbeck led them into forests and tide pools of California's beautiful Mendocino coast. Abraham Maslow challenged them to redefine science and religion. Ralph Emerson challenged them to write their own Bibles. They traced the origins of human spirituality back 100,000 years. The class was dedicated to studying biology by exercising the illimitable freedom of the human mind. Plato urged them to actively search for truth, beauty and goodness.
They studied the works of scientists, sages, poets and saints to add to their growing concept of Mother Nature. Many synchronicities were discovered that were either playful, mysterious or scary
Socrates', "The unexamined life is not worth living," and Thoreau's, "I went to the woods to live deliberately," became mottos. Although each class lasted one academic year, the teacher was guided by students for 24 years and his adventure ended when a modern-day Moses mysteriously met him on top of Half Dome.

Praise for BioDesign:

"Digging deeper into the book, there are plenty of reminders that these are real experiences with only a few anecdotal ideas relative to genuine observations.”
Steven Burgess, Amazon Reviewer
"As you travel with Lowell, you will meet many amazing teens as they go out for a walk.”
Phroncie, Amazon Reviewer
"I recommend this book for anyone who wants a good read, especially one that is thought-provoking.”
geochrim, Amazon Reviewer

A must read for every high school teacher!”
Mark Salvestrin, Amazon Reviewer

Excerpt 1

Going for a walk should be fun. So should biology. After all, without it, we wouldn’t be able to experience the rapture, sorrow, and mystery of the universe. The “strange and wonderful magic” that created the Velveteen Rabbit is not confined to nurseries; it occurred at St. Helena High School, in the heart of California’s Napa Valley.

A scattered group of rebels magically overthrew my teaching style and curriculum and created an advanced biology course with a spiritual component. Each year, they traveled to Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, and California’s Mendocino Coast, discovering themselves and their role in the world.
The birth of the class was not unlike the birth of a baby. Therewere moments of elation and sorrow, triumph and frustration, hope and despair. No one, especially me, realized that the students were responding to an ancient call which predated Christianity, perhaps by 100,000 years. Like Henry Thoreau, they were seeking a spiritual rebirth. Bloody palms, horrifying fear, and a battered ego were not included in my job description. They were, however, prerequisites for entering the uncharted wilderness of the teenage soul.

Lettie was dissecting a fetal pig when she suddenly paused, looked up, and asked, “Mr. Young, is this really important?”

I discovered later that her question was a matter of her spiritual life and death. While discussing evolution, and the now discredited story ofthe wolf/dog wandering into the ocean to become a whale, Matthew shouted, “Wait a minute! What the hell do we believe, anyway?

Did they think their way back into the ocean to become whales?” I discovered later that he was asking the most profound question that a person can ask. The collective human response will likely determine the fate of mankind.

These educational rebels elected to sit in a circle and rejected the traditional learning method of massive memorization of minutiae. Instead, they replaced it with an emphasis on critical thinking, communication skills, and problem solving. The focus was always biology, but collateral topics of natural history, evolution, the wilderness ethic, politics, sexuality, and religion were open for discussion. They understood the gravity that many had died so they could study and grow in an environment without fear, bitterness, or humiliation.

Some began to contemplate the immensity, horror, and glory of the human journey. Evolution, they discovered, often involved bloodshed, and they pondered over the hundreds of millions of people who were stoned, clubbed, burned, or nailed on crosses for what they believed.

Their class discussions were often lively but could not compare with the three, sixday field trips that they took. They tested Emerson’s adage, “The whole of Nature is but a metaphor of the human mind,” and often discovered wonders, even miracles, in Nature, themselves and each other. They learned that Albert Einstein and Loren Eiseley agreed that every branch of science was cloaked in mysteryand it would be their challenge and privilege to contemplate those mysteries.

The theme for the class was defined by John Muir; “I only went out for a walk … and found that going out was really going in.” They were invited to read the accounts of scientists, scholars, sages, and saints to see how they viewed Mother Nature. Many learned how to cope with the physical, mental, and spiritual blisters that they encounteredalong the way. Some learned to look for Jungian synchronicities and found them to be amusing, inspirational, or frightening.

Each year, hundreds of ideas were born, some resulting from close encounters with death
I have selected nearly 100 quotations which include scores of ideas from seekers whose thoughts and deeds have improved humanity. I felt that my deepest calling was not to “teach” but to share these designs with young, curious, and flexible minds and let them decide which ones they wanted to incorporate into their personal biblioteca (library).

Lowell is giving away a gift card for a Kindle Fire HD. Enter to win by filling out the Rafflecopter below...G'luck!

The Eyes of Love by Angelina Rose - Book Tour, Interview & Giveaway

Welcome to Mass Musings Angelina! We're so excited you could join us today. Everyone grab a cup of coffee and let's settle in for a chat. Don't forget to enter Angelina's giveaway and to follow her tour for more chances to win.

MM: Angelina, many authors relate their characters to people they know. Is this the case with your characters and do you see yourself in any of them?

In all the female characters there is a part of myself … and some of my experiences, some of my dreams!

MM: Who is your favorite character in your book and why?

I love Colin in “The Eyes Of Love” … Why? He’s the man of my dreams. He gave Sally lots of hugs, kisses, and showed her in so many ways he loved her. And when she left because she thought he had lied to her, he followed her to her hometown to get her back!

He made sure he gave her time, showed Sally how he appreciated all the efforts she made to make sure her son David had a great life. He was vocal about how beautiful he thought Sally was, inside and out.
He was fun to be with and wanted Sally to have fun as well. He was mindful Sally was dealing with hurts from her past … and he was open to discussing any misunderstandings.

I think Colin’s love would leave you feeling safe, exciting and definitely really loved and cherished.

As I said, Colin, in many ways is the man of my dreams. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s tall, blonde, and handsome.

MM: Who is your most favorite character from any book of all time?

I liked Panda from The Great Escape, by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. He was well built, certainly not unattractive, and messed up enough to make him interesting.

MM: If you could dive into the pages of any book, which book would it be and what character would you be?

What an interesting question. I always enjoyed Nancy Drew. Secret Identity (Book 1 of the Identity Mystery Triology “Girl Detective” appeals to me and the “crime” really applies to current times. I like the idea of tracking down and solving who is responsible for any crime, and in the case of this book, the cyberbullying of the friend of Bella’s sister.

Many of my friends are detectives and I love working out “who done it.”

MM: If your book was to become a movie, which actors/actresses do you see playing the parts of your characters?

The handsome Chris Hemsworth could play Colin. Sally would be played by the elegant and beautiful Natalie Portman. Let me think who could be Stephanie, Colin’s wife who double-crossed him … maybe Milla Jovovich. Gracie from the restaurant in Mill Creek Crossing that knows everyone … Charlize Theron. Taryn, Sally’s co-worker and fellow Attorney, Jennifer Anniston. Now that would be a great cast…

MM: What can we expect from Angelina Rose in the future? Any new projects?

I am currently working on a new series … I’m on a romantic suspense kick, so the new series is somewhat different from my first books. Not as sweet as my first romance books, with a lot happening in and around the lives of the main characters: Derek and Gabrielle. Derek is a Detective Lieutenant and Gabrielle a newly graduated Pharmacist who inherits her father’s Pharmaceutical Company. So, there are interesting twists and romantic turns in this series, combined with betrayal and counterfeit drugs.

MM: Where can readers connect with you?

Readers can find me in a few ways. I hang out on my Facebook page a lot…

I’m also on my website and Twitter @RoseRomanceBook. Readers can also find me on Goodreads at

About Angelina Rose:

Angelina Rose has wanted to write ever since she could hold a pencil. The first daughter of immigrant parents, Angelina had her head buried in books, lost in a world of heroes, heroines and exotic places.

It was a shocking experience that jump-started Angelina's author career.

"I awoke in the ICU... I had been unconscious for several days," Angelina says.

In 2010, Angelina had a long stint in hospital following her involvement in a motor vehicle accident: the longest time off work (as a Registered Nurse), she'd ever had in her life!

It was then she took up pen and paper and started to write again, just as she had done when she was a child. She wrote four short fiction stories for young adults, entered them in several competitions, and managed to win three first prizes!

After happily dipping her toes into writing those short fiction stories for young adults, Angelina has now authored four books in a new "Mill Creek Crossing Romance" series... contemporary romance intended for adults.

The "Starting Over Series" is another contemporary romance series she wrote about a subject she knows well... nurses and their love life. At a recent reunion of her graduating class, she could not help but notice how the same girls would group together and laugh, chat, and even shed some tears over their lives since graduating. Many of the girls had divorced... so Angelina thought "what if a group of the nurses came up with a plan to meet in two years and have a new love story to share?" Then the first story in the series was born.

There is always a story running around in her head. A man with thick dark hair, gray-blue eyes, with an engaging smile and a quick wit... or a girl crying over a broken relationship. She finds herself talking to these characters during her day: when she's doing dishes, or bathing babies at the hospital. These characters crop up on days at the beach or on walks through the neighborhood. This is how the stories start to grow.
Angelina's mother was an author, so Angelina grew up with a love of words and stories. If she wasn't writing a short story about something that took her fancy, her head was buried in books... reading, reading, reading, as her brother constantly told her...

When she's not spending time with her goodlooking man, or quality time with her laptop, she's working at the hospital, hanging out with her family and friends, or walking her two dogs around the neighborhood. Angelina spends as much time as she can traveling, then coming home and including some of those adventures in her stories.

Angelina really loves to hear from her readers and she invites you to connect with her on Facebook as she interacts daily with her readers there!

Genre: Romance
Publisher: BookBaby
Release Date: April 26, 2013

Book Description:

After a tragic loss five years ago, Sally Overby becomes an Attorney in Atlanta. She convinces herself that all she'll ever need again is her young son, David, and her life as an attorney. Until one day, Colin Dean barges back into her life and promptly blows her safe world apart, driving her crazy as only a guy she'd had a "school girl crush" on can.

Although shocked and thrilled by Colin’s attention, Sally is wary to love deeply. Only, with every loving look Colin gives her plus every sweet kiss, as the attraction between them sparks, she can’t help but wonder if she’s met the one she should be with. And although Colin didn’t realize his life was going to change so quickly, amazingly, he isn’t the least bit interested in fighting that change. Instead, he’s gearing up for a different fight altogether… the one for Sally’s heart.

Will Colin be able to convince her that's it safe to love him... and that forever isn't really out of reach?

Romantic, amusing, and deeply moving, Book 4 in the Mill Creek Crossing Romance Series, is a tale that will stay with you.

The Eyes of Love is a novella… you will be able to enjoy it in just one day!

"Well, if it isn't the handsome Colin Dean," she said fanning herself and smiling. Gracie was older than he was, but he remembered her younger sister, Eva, quite well. They'd all hung out together at parties when they were younger, and Gracie had been a fixture at Stella's for years even though she recently came into some inheritance money.
"Hey, sweetie," he said kissing her on the cheek. Women loved Colin because he made them feel good, and he was always kind. Stephanie hadn't been able to take that away from him.
"I'll never wash this cheek again," she said touching her face and smiling. "How are you, honey?" she asked with a frown.
"Hanging in there."
"I hate to see you so sad, Colin," she said sliding into the booth across from him.
"I'll be fine, Gracie."
"I know you will, but if you ever need to talk..."
"Thank you, but I don't. Not yet anyway. The divorce was finalized last week."
"I'm so sorry about Stephanie, but she was never good enough for you."
"Gracie..." he said shaking his finger at her.
"It's true. Ask anybody. That woman is trouble with a capital T. Always has been," Gracie said, refusing to mince her words. She'd despised Stephanie since she first met her.
"Glad you're always on my side, sweetie," he said rubbing her hand and laughing. "I sure wouldn't want you on my bad side!"
"Good thinking. Oh, crud, I've got a customer," she said as she slid out of the booth and headed back up to the counter.
"Dean!" he heard a voice call from behind him. It was one of his baseball buddies, Cal Erwin. "How are ya, man?"
"Good. Where've you been lately?" Colin asked as Cal dropped down into the seat.
"Well, I went out to California to visit my brother for a few months. Played in a band out there and gathered up lots of ladies along the way," he said grinning.
"Glad you had a good time."
"Where's Steph?" Cal asked.
"I have no idea. We're not married anymore," Colin said as he looked at his menu.
Cal's mouth dropped open. "What?"
"We divorced, Cal. She screwed Jazz and I walked in on them." Cal's mouth dropped open yet again.
"You know, we're not sixteen anymore. You should stop saying dude," Colin said with a chuckle.
"I'm sorry, man. I had no idea."
"No biggie," he lied.
"I can't believe Jazz..."
"Look, can we not talk about it? It's kind of old news, and I'm really done discussing it," Colin said pointedly.
"Sorry. So, are you skipping the reunion then?"
"Of course not. Why would I?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mmm. Mmm. The Dinner Creations Cookbook by Diane Krause

Author Bio:

Diane Krause is a Southern girl who began cooking and baking at a very young age. She’s the former owner-operator of Dinner Creations, and still enjoys sharing Jalapeno-Stuffed Chicken and King Ranch Chicken with those she loves. Diane currently works as a freelance writer and editor. She’s the author of a short inspirational book for writers, 25 Ways to Create Classic Characters Readers Will Love, and is currently at work on her second cookbook.

Author and book links:

Twitter: @DianeKrause2

Genre: Cookbooks
Publisher: Southern Road Press
Release Date: 2nd edition released 7/14/13; Original release September 2009
Purchase link (Amazon):

Book Description:
The Dinner Creations Cookbook is a collection of more than 130 delicious freezer-friendly recipes.

Dinner Creations was a meal assembly business that operated in Friendswood, Texas from 2004 to 2008. With this cookbook, you can enjoy the Dinner Creations favorites in your own home. Among those favorites are:

  • King Ranch Chicken
  • and Dumplings
  • Jalapeno-Stuffed Chicken
  • Baked Salmon in Puff Pastry
  • Herb Crusted Flank Steak
  • Guiltless Brownies
  • ....and many more!

Each recipe includes freezer preparation instructions, and as an added bonus, printable freezer labels – complete with thawing and cooking instructions – are available at


Dinner Creations operated in Friendswood, Texas, from 2004 to 2008 and was one of the first meal assembly businesses in the Houston area.

Through the business of Dinner Creations, we gained a whole new family. We shared life stories, celebrated weddings, and rejoiced over the addition of new little ones to families. We watched people provide care and comfort to others through the gift of food and considered it a blessing to be a part of that caring. We made new friends, and we had a very good time doing the business of Dinner Creations.

This book is a collection of the recipes from Dinner Creations. Perhaps these recipes will enrich your family, and maybe even help you extend a bit of care to those around you.

From all of us who have been a part of Dinner Creations, thank you for letting us have a place around your dinner table.

---Diane Krause
Owner, Dinner Creations



Serves 6-8
1 lb. ground beef
1 1/4 cups prepared marinara sauce
1 1/2 tsp. sugar
9 ounces angel hair pasta (cappellini)
1 1/4 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/4 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese

Preheat oven to 375° F. Spray a 9 x 13 baking pan with nonstick cooking spray.

Cook ground beef in a large skillet until beef is cooked through and no longer pink, breaking up any large pieces. Drain the meat, then return it to the skillet and stir in the marinara sauce and sugar. Set aside.
Cook angel hair pasta according to package directions; drain pasta and rinse with cool water.
To assemble, spread 2 cups meat sauce over the bottom of the prepared baking dish. Top with half of the cooked pasta, then sprinkle over 1/2 cup cheddar and 1/2 cup Monterey Jack cheese. Top with 2 cups meat sauce, the remaining pasta, and another 1/2 cup cheddar and 1/2 cup Monterey Jack cheese. Cover with the remaining 2 cups meat sauce, then sprinkle over the remaining cheese.
Bake uncovered for 30-40 minutes.
FREEZER PREPARATION: Prepare casserole as directed, omitting the cheese topping. Measure last 1/4 cup of Cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses into a plastic sandwich bag; seal. Lay a sheet of deli paper or waxed paper over casserole, then place bag of cheese on top. Seal entire pan well and label.

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